About Collin

Collin lit up the world from the day he was born. All the wonderful things said about Collin on this website and in the hundreds of cards and letters sent by friends and family are truly heartwarming. They provide insight into the remarkable young man Collin had become. They tell stories of a person who was kind and thoughtful, who enjoyed people as much as they enjoyed him, and who always tried to be considerate of others. Collin was immensely talented in many ways. He worked hard to get things done. He had an amazing singing voice and through music shared his joy for life. Girls loved him, their mothers loved him, even their grandmothers, if they knew Collin, loved him. He was the person you treasured as a friend and especially treasured as your son or brother.

All of the above are undeniably true. To have a clear understanding of Collin though you need to also know that he struggled with many of the same concerns that each of us struggle with every day. He wanted to fit in. He worried about what others thought, got frustrated when things did not go as planned, and was still searching for his place in the world. Collin’s inspiration to those of us left behind is not that he was somehow perfect. The real inspiration comes from all he accomplished and the many lives he touched in such a short time, despite being human.

Collin you remain a shining star to us. We miss you every day and cry out if only to hear your voice. Yet, we will strive to keep the song in your heart alive through our lives and through the projects we undertake in your memory. We invite friends, family, and those who never knew you but share your ideals, to journey with us as we move forward to create good things in your honor. Your memory will inspire us always. And, oh what a beautiful child you are. We will love you forever!

-Tom, Mary, and Russell

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 A Beautiful Man, Beautiful Life

Indeed what a beautiful man he was and a beautiful life he lived with us. Now be open to the Spirit and be open to his spirit, feel free to tell Collin anything, speak to him, pray for him, pray for his parents (Mary and Tom) and his brother (Russell), and sense what life is like in its truest form…Collin lived a wonderful life, had an amazing smile, a huge heart so ready to love and be loved by, and an amazing soul. His life, and now death, is a call to all of us to live life to its fullest, to always remember everything has meaning, purpose and design. As hard as it is, let us spend this time of grief in a way that honors him and honors life…life that Collin lived so well. We love you Collin!

-David and the Gonzaga Community